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Monday, February 21, 2011

Koundinyasana II

Here are two very different ways to get into one very fun arm balance. Most people prefer the method shown in the second video, but the traditional method is shown in the first video.

From downward facing dog:
  1. Step the left foot up outside the left hand. Work the left shoulder behind the left knee. (Feel free to use your hands to really get it back there.)
  2. Place left hand just behind and outside of the left foot. 
  3. Lean forward and let the left thigh rest on the left upper arm. 
  4. Straighten the left leg, and then lift the right toes off the mat. Lean wayyyyy forward and blast off!

From the floor:
  1. Start with legs extended. 
  2. Cross the left ankle over the right knee. Then pull the right ankle towards the left sit bone.
  3. Bring the left upper arm to the inside of the left inner thigh. Keep this connection as you lean forward and place hands shoulder-width apart onto the mat.
  4. Lean wayyyy forward (see a pattern here?) and shift the weight onto the left upper arm.
  5. Press your hands down and look forward as you extend your legs. Boom!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit that I don't do the yoga poses however the videos of you doing them are my fav part of your blog. Keep up the good work!
