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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hummingbird Pose

Hummingbird is one of those poses that can still scare the crap out of the uninitiated. To be honest I think that’s why I like it. I was scared of it for years until one day I had a teacher explain it in a way that resonated with me.  Suddenly, it clicked in the way that every pose clicks when you finally get it. And now I can’t seem to stop doing it.

So here it is folks.  My version of this twisting, hip-opening, mind-and-body-wringing arm balance. It’s easier to see it done so I’ve included a short vid of me getting into it.

  1. Start in standing pigeon, with the right ankle crossed over the left knee. Bend the left leg and sit low.
  2. Bring hands into prayer. Bring the upper right arm to the sole of the right foot. Twist open here.
  3. Keep the connection between the right foot and the right upper arm, and release your hands down onto the floor. Really reach your left hand out here so your hands land about shoulder width.
  4. Slowly bend the elbows, look forward, and shift the weight into your hands. Straighten the left leg.


  1. Awesome stuff beck! Love the demo!

  2. Love the pose, I will have to give it a try. Thanks for the great instruction.
